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there are approximately 3500 new cases of fistula in pakistan every year

IMR is dedicated to eradicating fistula in Pakistan through our partnership with Koohi Goth Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. We work alongside our Pakistani colleagues to provide free surgery to survivors of fistula, as well as valuable training for the surgeons. Another vital part of eradicating fistula is through prevention, and this is best achieved with quality midwifery care.

At Koohi Goth, there is an incredible School of Nursing where 280 students complete a two year diploma program to become a midwife. The students all come from humble backgrounds where there is little access to women’s health care. After their training, they return back to their villages where they are able to provide much needed care for their pregnant patients. IMR collaborates with the school to provide additional education for the midwife students, both in the classroom and the clinical setting.

Read our blog for updates on our project in Pakistan