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Update 12/1/14

IMR had purchased a dozen no-touch infrared thermometers to send to Liberian Ob/Gyn residents at Monrovia’s Redemption Hospital.  Redemption is a large city hospital that was in the midst of the Ebola crisis when it was closed down this past summer. The hospital is home to the only Ob/Gyn training program in the country and had 5 Liberian ob/gyn residents in training. Unfortunately, one of the residents, Dr. John Tata had contracted Ebola and passed away in October. As the fate of the hospital remains uncertain currently, the residents have resumed some duties and they had just returned from being deployed upcountry to do infection control/ protection surveys.

Dr. Lise Rehwaldt, an Ob/Gyn physician who recently returned to Liberia to assess the training program’s situation, stated "The residents have all received their thermometers and they were thrilled to have them."  And we were thrilled, with your help, to be able to provide a tool that can be life-saving.  We look forward to supporting the Liberian Ob/Gyn residents and their department in any way we can.

Update 10/3/14

In response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa:

As major health organizations respond to the devastating outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, IMR recognizes that there are still those who are affected by other preventable and treatable diseases and conditions such as malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS, trauma, obstructed labor, and postpartum hemorrhage. We are responding to a request from fellow healthcare workers who care for such patients in Monrovia, Liberia, for infrared no-touch thermometers, which will help them to evaluate patients for a possible Ebola diagnosis. It is a drop in the bucket but may help save a life, prevent transmission and alleviate some fear they have.